It’s Time To Finally Have Clothes That Actually Fit You.

Enroll Now -> Making a Moulage with the GRD Method.

*Learn Patternmaking Skills to Make a Moulage, Fit, and Add Wearing Ease to Create a Sloper*
* Specific Dart Depths & Shoulder Slopes Customized from Your Measurements (No Industry Standards)*
* The Math is done for you = fewer chances of mistakes! (For math-lovers: the theory for the main measurements is included) *
** I Help You with Your Fitting through Custom Fitting Videos (Students love this the most!)**
** Imperial (Inches) & Metric (Centimeters) options included **
** 8 Modules with over 8 Hours of Instructional Videos **
** Written Step-by-Step Guides for every Module (130 pages of tutorials) **
** Private Community (with feedback from me, answering any questions) **
** Email me directly with your questions if you don’t want to post in the community.**
** Complete the modules on your own time or with the group: You have unlimited access to the course! **
** First day of lessons begins 3 days after you enroll, but begin when you’re ready! **
** Bonuses worth $197 – Customizing your Dress Form, Creating a Dress Form, Self-Fitting Video, & Goals Worksheet **
*** Risk-free 14-day money-back guarantee ***
*** Don’t miss out on this Wonderful Opportunity to Make a Custom Moulage and a Sloper. ***
*** You’ll finish the course with a customized Moulage and a Sloper for woven fabrics (womenswear only) ***
**** A world of opportunities: Design anything You want with this Solid Pattern Making Foundation ****

It’s time to finally have clothes that actually fit you.



US Dollars



US Dollars